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Luna Rossa

Mrs. Erkan Topbas
Reichenauerstrasse 95a
A-6020 Innsbruck

Lunch Menu


Gegrillte Hühnerfilet mit Pfeffersauce und Champignonreis

Gemüsecremesuppe oder Salatteller
€ 13,00


Gefüllte Schweinschnitzel auf Rosmarinsauce und Bandnudeln

Klare Zwiebelsuppe oder Salatteller
€ 13,00


Wiener Backhuhn mit Preiselbeeren und Pommes Frites

Selleriecremesuppe oder Salatteller
€ 13,00


Gefüllte Zucchini auf Tomaten-Basilikunsauce

Paprikasuppe oder Grüner Salat
€ 13,00


  • (A)
    gluten-containing cereals
  • (B)
    Crustaceans and crustacean products
  • (C)
    Eggs and products thereof
  • (D)
    Fish and fish products
  • (E)
    Peanuts and peanut products
  • (F)
    Soya (beans) and products
  • (G)
    Milk and milk products including lactose
  • (H)
    Nuts & products derived therefrom
  • (L)
    Celery and products
  • (M)
    Mustard and mustard products
  • (N)
    Sesame seeds and products
  • (O)
    Sulphur dioxide and products
  • (P)
    Lupins & products made from them
  • (R)
    Molluscs Snails, mussels, squid
Despite careful production of our dishes, traces of other substances used in the production process in the kitchen may be present in addition to the labelled ingredients.